
Vesper: Zero Light Edition

Vesper: Zero Light Edition

Опер. Система


Дата выхода

30 июл 2021


Cordens Interactive

Цена сейчас

259 р.
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Лучшая цена сейчас: 259 р.
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Лучшая цена за всё время: 93 р.
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Об игре

A visionary and mysterious adventure taking place in a decaying world full of secrets to uncover, where your choices will change the future of an entire race.

A small android called Seven is lost on an eerie planet full of perils and traces of an ancient civilization, with no powers and no ability to defeat enemies until he finds the Drive Gun, a weapon used to absorb lights, create darkness, and control minds.

Use the Drive Gun to absorb light from various sources and create dark spots in which you can hide. Inject absorbed light into machineries to open portals and activate deadly traps.

Control your opponents with light and dispose of them after have exploited their abilities. Take control of your destiny and decide the future of the Android’s race.

  • Creative Solutions: solve puzzles and trick your enemies in multiple ways using the power of the Drive Gun
  • Connecting the Dots: collect mysterious and encrypted documents to uncover the real truth behind the Vesper Protocol
  • The End is only the Beginning: start a new run after the credits have rolled and discover why you have changed the world forever
  • The Sound of The End of the Universe: hear the mind-bending soundtrack from Francesco Gagliardi and lose yourself in the ambience of Aryish
  • An Authorial Vision: experience a unique sci-fi story, where each shot and camera movement is finely hand-crafted by their authors, Matteo Marzorati and Tommaso Loiacono.
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Английский (текст), Итальянский (текст), Французский (текст), Немецкий (текст), Испанский (текст), Корейский (текст)

Системные требования


Минимальные:Операционная система: Windows 10
Процессор (CPU): Четырехъядерный процессор Intel или AMD, 2,4 ГГц или быстрее
Оперативная память (RAM): 4 ГБ ОЗУ
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 760 GTX или AMD Radeon HD 7970 или выше
Хранение: 3 ГБ свободного места


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Обзор Vesper: Zero Light Edition

По данным Opencritic, 14 критиков оценили игру в среднем на 76.
В Steam 76% из 52 игроков дали положительную оценку.
В магазине GOG размещено 3 отзывы игроков со средней оценкой 3.4 из 5.