The complete soundtrack to Interstellar Space: Genesis composed by Grant Kirkhope and Ryan McQuinn.
Includes 32 tracks (26 from the base-game and 4 from the Natural Law expansion and 2 from the Evolving Empires expansion). Each track is available in high-quality MP3 format as well as lossless FLA...
The complete soundtrack to Interstellar Space: Genesis composed by Grant Kirkhope and Ryan McQuinn.
Includes 32 tracks (26 from the base-game and 4 from the Natural Law expansion and 2 from the Evolving Empires expansion). Each track is available in high-quality MP3 format as well as lossless FLAC format.
Part of the proceeds go directly to the composers.
A few words on the composers
We believe that game music is something more than just an effect incorporated into the game. And therefore this is something that we would like to show that is true. With that objective in mind, we asked Mr. Grant Kirkhope to compose the main theme of the game. Soundtracks Grant Kirkhope (GoldenEye 007, Civilization: Beyond Earth, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle).
Attachment with a game is mostly done by music and we believe that musicality and feeling are key factors for that. Mr. Ryan McQuinn is incredible delivering those feelings in his compositions. Soundtracks Ryan McQuinn (Lotia, Dungeons & Doritos, Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program, Liberty: Vigilance, Dark Dice).
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