Original soundtrack composed for Spiritfarer that highlights all the memorable moments of the game. The Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition Soundtrack now includes music from the heartwarming base game and its three major content updates, as well as a bonus "Ambient Mix"!
Music & Lyrics by Max LL
Original soundtrack composed for Spiritfarer that highlights all the memorable moments of the game. The Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition Soundtrack now includes music from the heartwarming base game and its three major content updates, as well as a bonus "Ambient Mix"!
Music & Lyrics by Max LL
Vocals in What Will You Leave Behind (End Title)
Performed by Maude Plante-Husaruk
Vocals in What Will You Leave Behind (Reprise)
Performed by Timbre Cierpke
Additional performances by
Maude Plante-Husaruk (Vocals), Maria Grigoryeva (Violin) & Leo Bercoff (Harmonica)
Artwork by Jo Gauthier
Mastering by Harris Newman
Total duration: 2 hours and 25 minutes
[03:17] Spiritfarer
[02:55] Charon's Burden
[03:06] At Sea
[01:37] Thunder Harvest
[01:22] Shipyards
[00:10] Island Discovery
[02:09] Hummingberg
[00:54] Stella's Lullaby
[01:59] Furogawa
[01:26] Into The Mines
[02:20] Rain
[00:22] Revelation
[01:39] Gurenu Fields
[02:45] At Night
[02:04] Don't Be Scared Stella
[01:51] The Swarms Of Hades
[02:21] Northern Waters
[01:55] Northern Waters (Night)
[02:34] First Snow
[01:11] Winter Village
[01:32] Song Of Growth
[01:10] The Hoarder
[00:56] Lounge Music
[01:03] Big Fish
[02:08] Freeing The Dragon
[02:13] Falling Stars
[00:43] Mother Nebula Pillbug
[01:28] Pulsar Pursuit
[01:19] Tortoise Sisters
[00:51] Treasure Hunt
[00:46] Susan's Museum
[00:47] Choo Choo!
[02:02] Shallow Waters
[01:34] Shallow Waters (Night)
[00:13] Turf War Song
[01:55] Oxbury
[01:38] Bottom Line Corp.
[02:53] Overbrook
[01:45] Mind Palace
[00:40] Dust Bunnies
[01:15] Meteoroids
[02:19] Guardians & Memories
[01:27] The Mist
[02:30] Crow's End
[02:43] Last Voyage
[03:04] Stella's Departure
[02:48] What Will You Leave Behind (End Titles) [feat. Maude Plante-Husaruk]
[07:15] My Friends (Spirit Theme Suite)
[03:57] More Friends (Second Spirit Theme Suite)
[01:25] What Will You Leave Behind (Reprise) [feat. Timbre]
[51:40] Spiritfarer: Slowed Down (Bonus Ambient Mix)
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