Plunge into a shadowy conspiracy world where the schemes of a mad drug kingpin and the prophesied return of an ancient Mayan god clash in what could be the end for all mankind. Race around the globe with George as he frantically attempts to free Nico, his investigative reporter girlfriend, from the...
Plunge into a shadowy conspiracy world where the schemes of a mad drug kingpin and the prophesied return of an ancient Mayan god clash in what could be the end for all mankind. Race around the globe with George as he frantically attempts to free Nico, his investigative reporter girlfriend, from the clutches of Karzac's crime cartel.
Guide Nicko and George as they unravel the dark mysteries that lead them closer and closer to ancient horror best left buried in the steamy jungles of Central America. Gather clues and make friends but beware- a smiling face can hide a deadly obstacle in your quest to stop return of “he who devours the sun and consumes the flesh of all mankind”, the Mayan God Tezcatlipoca.
Enter the world of adventure, The Smoking Mirror - the sequel to Circle of Blood and the second game in the Broken Sword series.
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