General information
- Publisher:
- Ubisoft
- Developer:
- Ubisoft
- Release date:
- May 6, 1996
- Description:
The realms of Might and Magic are expanding. New lands have been discovered and you must rise to the challenge of conquering them. Beware, for many warlords have risen to test your leadership and tactics. You must carefully manageall the resources at your disposal or you will surely be defeated.
- Rating :
- Language:
- Eng
- Genre:
- Strategy
- Activation:
- Automatically added to your Ubisoft Connect for PC library for download.
- PC conditions:
- You need a Ubisoft account and install the Ubisoft Connect application to play this content.
- Multiplayer:
- No
- Single player:
- Yes
©1995 New World Computing, Inc. Heroes of Might and Magic is a trademark of New World Computing, Inc. All rights reserved. New World Computing is a wholly owned subsidiary of NTN Communications, Inc. IBM screens shown. Actual screens may vary. All other trademarks belong to their respective holders.