
Games most similar to True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2

True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2

What games are most similar to True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2?

We have selected for you a list of games similar to True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2. Similarity of games is determined by genre, gameplay, game theme, graphics and other game features. Games are sorted by degree of similarity in descending order. According to, the following games are the most similar to True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2: Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart, Small Town Terrors: Pilgrim's Hook Collector's Edition, Princess Isabella: The Rise of an Heir, Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones, Cursed, Small Town Terrors: Livingston, Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts. You will find a more complete list of games below.
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True Fear: Forsaken Souls game series