You play as Pseudo, a master of martial arts who lives as a recluse in the strange land of Zenozoik. When you cross paths with the Boy, a small creature whose mysterious powers have attracted the attention of Gemini, the Mistress of the Artifacts, you decide to protect him, unaware that much greater...
You play as Pseudo, a master of martial arts who lives as a recluse in the strange land of Zenozoik. When you cross paths with the Boy, a small creature whose mysterious powers have attracted the attention of Gemini, the Mistress of the Artifacts, you decide to protect him, unaware that much greater forces are involved.
Drawing upon both surreal and punk fantasy influences, the world and civilisations of Zenozoik are brimming with fascinating characters, creatures and landscapes. Roam this intriguing land and discover its paths, inhabitants and ancient secrets.
Your fists and speed are your greatest weapons. Attack, dodge, stun, block, counter a parry to land a special attack, switch to first-person view to perform unique techniques: each time, it's up to you to seize the occasion to achieve victory and avoid mistakes that could quickly prove fatal.
Learn various martial arts during your adventure and alternate freely between them based on the situation, types of enemies and your preference. Victories will enable you to improve your characteristics and upgrade your attacks, so you can develop your own unique style.
Before fighting, you can challenge your opponent to a game of dice, with the winner defining the rules of the encounter – often to their advantage. Summoning a monster as an ally, covering the area in fog, having shackles limit movement… far from determining the outcome of the combat, the Ritual represents an opportunity to exploit if you win it or a challenge to cleverly overcome if you lose.
Your search for the Great Artifacts that will help you defeat Gemini will take you farther than you ever imagined. While taking on the mercenaries pursuing you and developing your friendship with the Boy, you must confront your past and delve into the sources of the chaotic society of Zenozoik.
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos takes place in the same universe as Zeno Clash and Zeno Clash II, but the game is entirely independent.
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