A war is brewing in Aventásia.
During the eternal struggle of the Alliance of Free Races against the Army
of Shadows, an aged gremlin archaeologist Mortimer MacGuffin discovers the
secret repository that houses a legendary artifact! Knowing that this
ancient treasure could turn the tide of war, the...
During the eternal struggle of the Alliance of Free Races against the Army
of Shadows, an aged gremlin archaeologist Mortimer MacGuffin discovers the
secret repository that houses a legendary artifact! Knowing that this
ancient treasure could turn the tide of war, the Army of Shadows sends
their best agents to seize it. At the same time four unlikely heroes from
the Alliance are drawn into the crisis: a cute gnome Wilbur, a stunningly
attractive wood elf princess Ivo, and a brash pirate Nate with his furry
companion, the mysterious Critter.
The Book of Unwritten Tales is a classic point-and-click adventure game
with a cornucopia of humorous references. Whether it gently lampoons a
particularly popular MMO or the stereotypical fantasy conventions, it’s
sure to put a knowing smile on the face of even the most hardened
adventurer! If you're looking for a comedic relief from all the super-serious plots of modern games, this beautifully-presented point-and-click adventure will be perfect for you.
Travel through a beautifully presented world that is a twisted image of almost every popular fantasy land you’ve visited in games, movies, and books.
Help a pack of hapless heroes to solve over 150 mind-boggling puzzles and discover more than 300 items that can be used and combined.
Meet a cast of crazy characters - from two-headed ogres and vegetarian dragons to good-natured zombies.
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